Florida troopers say a 44-year-old man was traveling north, in the outside lane, on US Hwy 29 (Century Blvd) approaching State Road 97 in his black sedan. As per the FHP report, a black sedan failed to maintain awareness of stopped vehicle traffic directly in front of his vehicle due to an unknown reason.
The black Sedan collided with the rear of a dump truck stopped for a red light at the intersection. The 44-year-old driver lost his life after that crash.
It appears that in this case there was no other, at-fault party. Unfortunately, this likely means the driver’s family has no recourse for compensation.
We at MANGAL, PLLC pride ourselves in pursuing justice for clients no matter the cost. We take seriously our obligation to serve you to the best of our ability. We will fight for you and make sure that you recover the full compensation you deserve. No one should be left holding the bill for an accident caused by another’s negligence. Contact us today at (352) 995-9945 to discuss your case.
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