A single-vehicle crash, involving a black 2019 Chevrolet pickup truck, occurred on early Wednesday morning, Oct 12. 2022 in unincorporated Polk City, Florida. A 22-month-old toddler was killed in the accident and a 5-year-old boy was left with a fractured neck. Guadalupe Najera Santana, the 30-year-old female driver of the truck, was arrested on DUI manslaughter charges.
The crash occurred on Deen Still Road at Old Grade Road. According to the investigators, the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a fence before hitting multiple trees. The toddler was not in a child-safety-seat and was ejected from the vehicle during the crash. He was found dead by first responders. The 5-year-old boy was taken to the hospital with a broken neck.
The crash report revealed that many open and unopened beer containers were found in the truck. The breath samples of Najera Santana showed a breath-alcohol content of 0.141 and 0.139.
She admitted to consuming beer before the crash. She was arrested and is facing several charges including DUI manslaughter, negligent child abuse and driving with an expired license.
If any nearby person or vehicle were injured/damaged as a result of the truck driver’s negligence, there would likely be a valid personal injury claim.
We at MANGAL, PLLC pride ourselves in pursuing justice for clients no matter the cost. We take seriously our obligation to serve you to the best of our ability. We will fight for you and make sure that you recover the full compensation you deserve. No one should be left holding the bill for an accident caused by another’s negligence. Contact us today at (352) 995-9945 to discuss your case.
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